Meet & Engage

The 8 Key Recruitment Trends

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Staying up to speed with your industry is something that many recruiters tend to ignore. Why? Because it’s not really something that people make a conscious effort to squeeze into their already busy work calendar. But times (and trends) are constantly changing.

So, to help you avoid hearing ‘have you been hiding under a rock?’, we’ve put together a handy list of the 8 recruitment trends that you should be paying attention to, according to industry experts Francesca Parkinson of Milkround, Ally Potter and Phil Lane from ThirtyThreePaul Roberts of AXA and Stephen Isherwood from the ISE.

You’re Welcome.

1. Social Mobility

It’s an increasing item on the agenda for many companies but is usually talked about much more than acted upon.

Six months after graduating, those from lower social economic groups still earn around 10% less than their more affluent colleagues.

There’s a Cabinet Office initiative that large companies are signing up for to try and tackle social mobility by implementing processes such as ignoring postcodes and increasing links with schools.

2. Role Reshuffles

Graduate vacancies are down, and 1 in 10 employers are saying they are repackaging some of their graduate roles as higher apprenticeships to fit in with the apprentice levy, alongside offering more degree apprenticeships.

3. Technology

Now is the time that you need to get tech right.

Employers need to be consistent with their technology and not switch and choose between social networks and instead pick what’s right for the business.

Students can be loyal to a brand and employers need to think about how they can build their brand into their technology. The not-so-secret ingredient for all technology is ensuring a great user experience. Net Promoter Score is a great example – read our other article What is Net Promotor Score and How Can It Be Used By Recruiters to learn more.

4. Engaging with Influencers

Influencers could be parents, teachers, careers advisers. 76of parents don’t know where to find online information about alternatives to university and 73% of students say parents never discuss any alternatives at all.

5. Coaching & Mentoring

Research shows that 75% of millennials not only want a mentor but deem it crucial for success whilst 70% of non-millennials are open to reverse mentoring.

It means that there are some great partnerships that could be created.

6. Intentions of International Students

90% of Chinese students return home after completing their studies abroad and many international students feel UK based employers simply ignore them.

They don’t feel confident talking to people at careers events and so an online approach is often more successful.

7. Ethical Marketing

Ten years ago, the main question recruitment marketers were asked was ‘how much will I earn’ but today, post-recession, graduates are much more interested in the ethical and moral responsibilities of a company.

Marketers need to think of new and different ways to tap into a student’s mindset using technology and processes that they are familiar with such as live chat and gamification.

8. Over Offering

Employers these days are having to do the thing they never thought they’d ever do; over offer. This is because more and more companies are seeing graduates reneging on their offers.

One factor could be location with more graduates now unwilling to move away from their university or home town. Many of our graduate clients use the Meet & Engage platform as a way of keeping candidates warm once an offer has been made by scheduling group chats on a range of topics.

As trends continue to evolve, this will be an important element in the battle to reduce graduates from pulling out of an offer.

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