Meet & Engage

The Future Of Recruitment Technology

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This article was taken from our whitepaper: A New Decade of Candidate Experience to read more, download the full whitepaper here.

With the advent of recruitment technology, organizations can now build trust and deliver content in a way that feels authentic to brand identity.

Today’s candidates are increasingly digitally native. Applicants are accustomed to streaming content online, ordering for next (or same) day delivery and accessing information on the go, anywhere, anytime.

With these advancements comes a shift in behaviour and expectation, as 70% of jobseekers are now searching for opportunities on mobile devices. To be successful, companies must embrace technology and meet applicants in the way they expect your brand to show up: digitally.

In this sense, recruitment tech serves two overarching functions: first, it brings the employer brand to life in a way that is exciting and informative for candidates. This builds trust, enables peer-to-peer sharing and allows an organizations’ employees to become brand ambassadors.

Second, it provides content and experiences that feel authentic and natural to a digitally native audience. As a result, recruitment tech meets candidate expectations and creates a more intuitive and well-designed digital experience.

Branded technology experiences

With a host of fully customizable branded experiences, new tech solutions not only enable a more agile and personalized approach to candidate communications, they also provide valuable data and insights that inform future content creation. Nathan Perrott notes:

I believe the branding side of recruitment technology is overlooked, whether it’s an ATS, a career site or an engagement platform like Meet & Engage. Many websites and ATS platforms are purely techpowered and lack the branding capability and the experience that’s needed at the level of the candidate. When you’re dealing with so many different personas and target audiences, you can’t afford to use agnostic or generic tech.

Personalization is becoming increasingly significant in the talent attraction world. Technology allows employers to segment and target individual personas based on specific behaviors, values and traits.

Erin Walker explains how Teach For America is using technology to enhance the candidate experience and reach people on a more personal and targeted level:

We’ve used technology in a lot of ways. We’ve dabbled in artificial intelligence to help us refine our application and interview process and ensure that our processes are equitable. In addition, we are constantly analyzing an extensive amount of data and insights to service this.

Erin continues, discussing how technology enables a more integrated and sensible approach to talent attraction:

We even offer virtual interview options to better cater to a variety of schedule and engagement preferences, given that we have to recruit tens of thousands of people each year. We embed branding videos into our applications as well as on our websites, which help people learn more about our organization and culture. These are just a few of the ways that we’re using technology to personalize and enhance the application experience.

Apply for a job in under two minutes

Tim Meehan describes a world in which applying for a job is as simple, efficient and seamless as ordering a product online.

Using an intelligent bot interface, candidates can easily apply for a job in a matter of minutes. You can even send the applicant notifications, just like in online shopping. This technology exists today.

The reality,” Tim continues, “is that candidates should be able to easily find, navigate and apply for a job in a couple of minutes. That’s a world class experience.” Erin Walker agrees that experience is crucial to attracting talent. She notes:

Employers should take a customer service mindset to the recruitment experience and make sure that candidates are delighted with every interaction across the entire plan and processes.

While many organizations have started to make headway, it’s clear that the end-goal is yet to be realized by most.

Data is the holy grail

As society becomes more and more digitized, the collection and implementation of data will prove extremely valuable. In a sense, data can be seen as a new currency that enables smarter and more educated decision-making.

We’re starting to see organizations developing more complex and unique recruitment marketing strategies.

In the recruitment world, Sergio Gallo is at the forefront of data analytics and implementation. He comments:

Data is the holy grail to us here at Recruitics. If you’re not measuring what’s working and what’s not, how are you determining your budget, or where to advertise, or what message to use? Without data, you’re really just taking a shot in the dark. In the employer branding space, data is going to play a much bigger role in the coming years.

This evolution is now intertwined with the emergence of consumer marketing tactics, as recruiters realise the need to think and act like marketers in an environment where competition for talent is rife. In the online space, this development means employers must learn to master digital advertising strategies that connect the employer brand to the right candidate with the right message at the right time.

“Consumer marketing tactics have been making, and are continuing to make, their way into the recruitment space,” continues Sergio.

Whether it’s targeted advertising on social media, retargeting, implementing candidate experience strategies that mimic shopper experiences like one-click actions, or leveraging your CRM platform to nurture candidates in talent pools, we’re starting to see organizations developing more complex and unique recruitment marketing strategies to targeting very specific candidate personas. In the near future, we’re going to see the candidate experience become hyper-personalized. Imagine a world where you can target candidates on a one-toone basis using artificial intelligence and machine learning. As the war for talent continues to become more competitive, and as employers need to evolve their hiring initiatives to attract a new generation of talent, data and technology are going to play an integral part.

To read more, download the full whitepaper here.

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