Meet & Engage

International Women’s Day 2023

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Embracing Equity and Promoting Positive Change

Every year on 8th March, we celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD). This year’s theme is #EmbraceEquity, which is about celebrating a world where difference and value is embraced. The history of International Women’s Day dates back to 1908, when 15,000 women marched through New York City, demanding better working conditions, voting rights, and fair pay. Over a century later, IWD is now recognized globally, with events and activities taking place in countries around the world.

Despite the progress made, gender inequality remains a persistent issue, both globally and locally. Women continue to face challenges such as unequal pay, limited access to education and career opportunities, and violence and discrimination. The McKinsey 2022 Women in the Workplace report found that one in three women are looking to scale down their careers or leave the workplace entirely. Indeed, according to Slack’s Future Forum, ninety five percent of female desk workers want flexibility in their roles. Failure to make significant changes in the ways and structures within which we work will lead even more women to their breaking point and ultimately mean they leave the workforce.

Failure to make significant changes in the ways and structures within which we work will lead even more women to their breaking point and ultimately mean they leave the workforce.

We know flexibility has numerous benefits, not least when it comes to job satisfaction, work-life balance, and a sense of belonging. It increases diversity and without flexibility existing inequalities in the workplace will deepen. That’s why it’s important to use IWD as a focal point and timely reminder that we must work together to challenge the systemic barriers that prevent women from reaching their full potential.

Here at Meet & Engage we are lucky to have a team of brilliant and strong women working alongside a supportive and empowering group of men-folk. It’s a truly equitable place. We work with clients who are driven to make a positive change when it comes to enabling and ensuring equity, not just when it comes to gender but across all areas. Our technology allows them to connect and engage with talent that is not always treated equitably, giving them the tools and support they need to succeed. We are proud of the impact that our team and our technology has on candidates, and the small part we play in ensuring and embracing equity.

We are proud of the impact that our team and our technology has on candidates, and the small part we play in ensuring and embracing equity.

I feel I’m in a privileged position at Meet & Engage, but there is no denying that change still needs to happen to ensure the system works for all. So, let’s celebrate the women who have paved the way and those who continue to break barriers every day. And perhaps most importantly, let’s continue to choose to challenge the working world and to redesign how we hire, evaluate, and promote women.

We would love to hear from you: What does equity mean to you? What can you do more of to challenge and promote positive change in your organisation? Join the conversation on LinkedIn. 

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