There’s an 80% chance that you’d rather be watching a live video than reading a blog post like this – at least according to a 2016 survey by the New York-based video streaming platform, Livestream.
As we launch our new live streaming product aimed at employers, we wanted to explore the growth of live video and investigate how it’s being successfully deployed by brands all over the world.
Hopefully, at least one in five of you are still reading…
Whilst the vast majority of our clients in recruitment have embraced the use of video in their marketing, live streaming is still in its infancy. But in other sectors, it is fast becoming an essential engagement tool.
79% of businesses perceive live video as a more authentic way to connect with audiences [Brandlive]
Numbers time; 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI [Invodo] and compared to regular video, Facebook users spend three times longer watching a live video and comment ten times more. [Facebook Newsroom.]
So, it seems like a no-brainer: you should be, at the very least, considering how live streaming can slot into your recruitment activity if you want to engage more effectively. If you’re not, then you’re falling behind.
The recruitment industry is built on engagement, connections and positive brand messages – all things that live streaming can help achieve, arguably, better than anything else.
94.8% of brand and retail professionals say that live video is an important part of their marketing plans for the year ahead [Brandlive & IBM Live Video Streaming Benchmark Report 2018].
That’s an increase of almost 75% compared to results a couple of years ago.
And it doesn’t stop there.
The research, data, trends; they all point towards live streaming being one of the most effective tools when it comes to engagement with the best ROI.
79% of businesses perceive live video as a more authentic way to connect with audiences [Brandlive] and with increasing amounts of brands, businesses and retailers fitting live streaming into their current and near-future plans it seems that every industry is after a slice of the pie whilst it’s hot.
The recruitment industry is built on engagement, connections and positive brand messages – all things that live streaming can help achieve, arguably, better than anything else.
And, because it talks to more targeted smaller audiences in the here and now, live video can have an instant impact on sales.
Goodbye long turn-around periods.
But where it’s easy to see the effect that live streaming is having and the opportunities that it generates, knowing the best ways to utilise it can be a little more confusing.
And so, we’ve got a blog post coming next week that looks at what employer marketers can learn from the brands and businesses that are pioneering live streaming and also some more info on our how live streaming sits within Meet & Engage.
In the meantime, find out more about our Live Streaming product and subscribe to our content newsletter below.